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Using QR Codes to Increase Donations

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salvation_army_qr_code.jpg.728x520_q85Let’s pretend you are the head of a non-profit charitable organization (or any group really) and you are looking to organize a marketing campaign to raise awareness and money for your particular cause.

Providing Options to Drive Donations

You have chosen to put on a concert as a way to join your particular cause with entertainment and help drive people out to show interest, support, and most importantly donate to your cause.  In order to do this you run print ads in local newspapers and magazine, put up signs around your city or town, and send out postcards to past donors or supporters.  You hope that these ads will drive people to your concert where they will hopefully make a donation.

This certainly works, but there is a big missed opportunity.  What if some supporters, or likely donors, don’t like concerts, are busy that night, or can’t make it to the concert for whatever reason?  In all likelihood they won’t be able to make a donation to your cause (unless they go far out of their way and contact you personally to make a contribution; most people probably will not do this).

For all these people who for one reason or another cannot make it to your event, you need to find another way to get them to donate.  This is where QR codes come in.  If you placed a QR code on all your print advertisements and have a call to action to scan the code to make a donation to the cause, you would then be able to capture those donations that otherwise would not have been possible.

Most people that see your ads aren’t going to go to your event, but that doesn’t mean they don’t care about your cause, so providing them with a convenient way to show their support and make a contribution is an incredibly useful service to offer.  And making the ability to donate easy and providing it at their finger tips at the moment they read your ad and are most likely to donate is a perfect use of a QR code powered mobile landing page, and will likely help increase your donations.

For non-profits, charities, political campaigns, or whatever, QR codes can go a long way to helping support your cause and most certainly won’t break your bank account.  Make sure to sign up today to use the Qfuse platform to get the most out of your QR code use!