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Why You Should Use Mobile Landing Pages for Your Most Important Campaigns

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Are mobile-specific websites ready to make a comeback in the age or responsive design? When do they make sense? Read on to learn more about when and how mobile-first pages that are optimized for handheld can help drive results for mobile-specific campaigns.

First, Some Background…

Back at the dawn of the mobile web most websites were not optimized for display on handheld devices, and it was a horrible user experience attempting to pinch and zoom your way around desktop page layouts on a small smartphone screen.

In response to the growing mobile user base, brands began to develop separate stand-alone websites designed for mobile that would render for viewers on handhelds via device detection, routing visitors to either a desktop-optimized view or mobile view of a given site. But maintaining separate sets of site templates for different screen sizes and implementing device-specific routing was impractical and unsustainable for most businesses.

Eventually, our current standard of responsive design has emerged as the best practice for modern website design, with web page layouts and navigation menus that can scale to accommodate just about any device or screen size. For an organization’s public website, this responsive approach makes perfect sense as a sustainable solution that meets the needs of users and site owners alike for the majority of use case scenarios. As such, separate mobile websites are rarely required when a responsive site already exists.

However, with the growth of QR codes in the United States, web strategists are beginning to realize that there are some use cases where a mobile-specific approach still makes sense over the one-size-fits all approach of responsive design, particularly in the case of mobile engagement methods like QR codes and SMS text messaging.

After all, most web interactions that drive people to your website or a landing pages (e.g. search, display ads, or email) can take place via just about any type of device, whether desktop, handheld, or anything in between. But in the case of campaigns where users are targeted with mobile-specific technologies such as QR codes or SMS you know for certain that you are engaging with someone on a handheld device, and so the case for ensuring that those web pages are created for a mobile-optimized experience makes perfect sense, especially for mission critical operations or campaigns.

With this in mind, let’s explore some of the advantages a mobile-optimized, mobile-first design for your mobile campaign landing pages:

Improved User Experience

While responsive pages scale for small screens, there are often a range of tradeoffs that come with such versatility, and page content does not always stack in a fashion that is ideal for users on handheld; in fact, it can often make things more difficult. On the other hand, mobile optimization ensures that pages are retendered specifically for mobile users, making web pages more accessible and easier to navigate. Mobile-optimized pages have simple layouts with content ordered and styled specifically for small screens, with only the assets and calls-to-action that make sense for handheld. By optimizing web pages for mobile display, businesses can ensure that their mobile users can easily access the information they need, resulting in a better overall user experience and higher conversion rates.

Faster Load Times

Mobile optimization can also result in faster load times. Mobile-optimized landing pages and micro-sites are designed to load quickly on handheld devices, which can be especially important for users who are on the go or have limited internet connectivity. By optimizing web pages for mobile display, businesses can improve their load times and provide a better overall experience to mobile users. Additionally, faster load times can also contribute to improved search performance on handheld, with Google favoring page speed as an important ranking factor.

Increased Conversions

Mobile optimization can also lead to increased conversions. When mobile users are able to easily access and navigate a web page that is optimized for handheld, they are more likely to take action, such as making a purchase or filling out an inquiry form. Additionally, mobile pages allow you to take advantage of features that are specific to mobile devices, such as click-to-call, click-to-text, and app downloads. By optimizing web pages for mobile display, businesses can improve their conversion rates and generate more revenue from their mobile traffic.

Competitive Advantage

Responsive website design is a common-sense approach for your main public-facing website, but for campaigns that are mobile-specific (e.g. QR, SMS, NFC), the use of mobile optimized landing pages and micro-sites can render superior user engagement, drive more conversions, and render a competitive mobile advantage over competition.

Diverse Use Cases

It’s important to consider that the importance of a mobile-optimized user experience applies not only to mobile marketing scenarios, but just about any case where you want to engage users on handheld, for example, a QR code on your business card that resolves to a personal profile page, or an NFC tag in an industrial scenario – anywhere mobile engagement is important, mobile optimization is important.

A Simple Solution

The Qfuse mobile engagement platform has been developed from the ground-up with mobile engagement in mind. Our simple, intuitive mobile website-builder makes it easy to create custom mobile landing pages and micro-sites for your most important mobile campaigns, with a fast-loading, intuitive app-like experience that makes it easy to engage users and drive results.