Qfuse Blog - QR Code, NFC, and Mobile Marketing News

NFC Used to Improve Parking Payment System in San Francisco

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AlvMr24CIAARHt3NFC technology, like QR codes, have an almost unlimited number of possible uses, and are continuing to see their popularity rise as smartphone use increases and both technologies begin to find their way slowly into the general American vocabulary.

NFC technology came on a bit later than QR codes but has begun to see its adoption rise dramatically in recent years.  One of the main ways it has been used is for taking of payment.  The reason for this is the ease of use and convenience for consumers, as they simply need to flash their smartphone or NFC enabled credit card to make a payment.

One such example of NFC use can be found in San Francisco, where they found a great way to utilize NFC technology as a payment method for all on-street parking spots, some 30,800 in total.

In order to implement this NFC payment system it simply required NFC enabled stickers to be posted on all parking meters.  This allowed for NFC enabled smartphones to simply be waved in front of the meter to pay for parking.  When this is done a screen pops up on the user’s phone and allows the user to enter how long he wishes the meter to run.  This use of NFC allows people to pay for meters in an easy convenient manner and without the hassle of searching for loose change (though you can still pay with change).

In this instance though, the NFC technology is not only for ease of payment, but it also serves an added benefit.  When users meter is near expiration they are notified via text message.  They are then able to log back into their parking meter and add additional time if they so desire, helping to reduce the likelihood of receiving a ticket.

This sort of NFC use can, and should, be used in most towns and cities across the country.  It is inexpensive to use and allows for an increased efficiency of similar payment methods, often decreasing the need for labor and lowering operating costs.

NFC technology has many uses and this is just one example, but no matter the organization you are a part of it is an almost guarantee you could find a way to use this technology to improve your business and even increase profits.  Just make sure you are using it correctly and have a platform that ensures you are getting as much out of your campaign as you can.