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Posted by Sean Dempsey
NFC has been called the "next hottest thing" which will alter how everyone uses their mobile device: everying from unlocking a car to shopping at the grocery store. Below is an overview of the potential uses of NFC.
NFC stands for Near Field Communication and, as the name implies, it is a set of close-range wireless communication standards. NFC-equipped smartphones and other devices can exchange information with each other with a simple "tap" or hovering over a tag.
NFC is essentially a newer version of older "RFID" waves. As such, NFC is ideal for more secure applications like paying for things or securely or accessing secure content.
NFC also allows two-way communication. So transferring photos or contacts between devices is a common use of NFC.
Once a NFC Tag is scanned, it can be translated into actionable information, such as a text message or opening a mobile web page.
As of today, NFC has not yet hit the mainstream in terms of widespread usage; but it's the potential that's which leaves us holding our breath. If you have an NFC-enabled mobile device, consider purchasing some NFC tags for it--they run around around $10-15 on Amazon and you might be able to make your life easier. Or, if nothing else, you'll look like a ninja when you pull up your favorite website with a simply wave of your phone.
Use Qfuse as a NFC Marketing Manager to help you maintain your NFC Marketing campaigns all in one place: a NFC Marketing Dashboard.
Unfortunately, today many people leverage both QR Codes and NFC technology incorrectly. If you're interested in not just using NFC, but using it correctly and most effectively, read our article about Common Mistakes--which applies to both QR Codes and NFC Tags.
Want to learn more about using NFC in your marketing materials? We'll gladly provide you with personalized tips!
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