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Purina One Uses QR Codes on Product Packaging to Push a Good Cause

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PurinaI had to make a late night run to Target the other day when I realized I was out of cat food for my obese cat, and trust me you don’t want to be around her when she doesn’t have an available supply of food.

While at Target trying to pick out my next bag of cat food, and deciding that I needed to put her on a diet—or a lifestyle change if you prefer—and choose a brand that wasn’t made out of junk food, I picked up a bag or Purina One Indoor Cat Food after reading almost every ingredient list of the many choices and my decision was made (have you ever read the ingredients on some cat foods?  …Not good).  When I arrived home and opened the bag I noticed a QR code on the back and started to read the associated content.

Purina was using the QR code on the back of their bag to help advertise one of the causes they support.  The cause they were supporting was providing all necessary food to some 15 animal shelters across the country, and an additional $1.5 million to other organizations that help homeless pets.  Really a great cause for all the animal lovers out there.

Purina1 Upon scanning their QR code you are taken to a Youtube video providing more information on their cause and highlighting the story of a woman at one of these shelters who ended up giving an older cat a great home.

Purina used the QR code well, ensuring a low density code, a great call to action, and a good purpose with the consumer directed straight to a video on the cause Purina wants to support and increase their customer’s awareness of.

For all you other companies out there considering putting QR codes on your product packaging consider this simple, but effective, use by Purina as a solid example of what to do in your own QR code campaign.

Really though there is no reason not to place a QR code on product packaging since this is the most obvious and beneficial use of QR codes.  You can use them to promote coupons or special deals, provide information on your products uses or technology, or even help increase sales of accessories or other related products, the uses are almost endless.

If you haven’t begun using QR codes though, or even if you have, make sure you use a platform that seamlessly connects the QR codes with mobile landing pages, social media, videos, and analytics.  Your life will be much easier in doing so.

My Obese Cat…
